The kitchen is warm as I wander out for my morning cappuccino, but I return to my bed and the heating pad to drink it and watch the news. Richard is off feeding the cows and checking on Ron. When he returns, we are going to do a bit of shopping. I need Gem Jar lids and rings, still need Anise Seed, and Extra Foods has their Dollar Days. I have a list of things to look for there. But first, my cappuccino.
I find my Gem Jar lids, but flinch at the price. Still, jars are no good without lids, so I swallow hard and buy them. I wander the store aimlessly. I need a new sweatshirt but wont buy one that isn't 100% Cotton. I hate the ones that are Cotton/Polyester blend. No luck. Off to Extra Foods.
I only find half of what I am looking for there as the rest of the things I want are sold out. No big deal. We decide to buy a Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich and go to Victoria Quay to watch the wildlife if any are about.
If you have never had an Extra Foods Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich, you are sadly deprived. I don't like store bought sandwiches usually. I find that most are made with icky filling and Wonder Bread, not my thing. These, however, are made using a big fresh Cheddar Cheese bun, chunks of Feta Cheese, sliced crisp Red Onion, pieces of Green Pepper - which I pick off and save for the dogs as a treat - loads of shaved Mediterranean Chicken sandwich meat, leaf lettuce and some orange stuff slathered on the bun that I LOVE but don't know what it is and wish I could buy off the shelf. This is a SANDWICH. And I am addicted to them. I limit myself to one ever two weeks usually, although I have had two in the last week. Well, one and a half because I share this one with Richard.
It's low tide and we see a seal in the water, popping its head up to look around, then diving down under again. As we chat, I spot a bear across the canal foraging for food. A great Blue Heron watches it with a wary eye. Richard suggests that since we are there anyway, we should go across the street to Healthy Habits Health Food Market to look for Anise Seed. They are still out, but I will wait for them to replenish their stock and not buy elsewhere. Why would I do that? Because their price is sooooo much better than anywhere else. They charge $1.99/100gm. Everywhere else is roughly $7.00 for 50gm. You do the math.
Back home, Richard starts a fire in the wood stove and I prepare to take the dogs out. Looking out the window, I realize there are apples on the ground in the garden yard. Now that's not so unusual, we do have 2 apple trees out there. What is unusual is the amount of apples on the ground. This past week, I have picked up maybe half a dozen windfall apples a day. But this...this is more like 100 apples on the ground. My eyes go slitty. Hmmmmm.
I bring it to Richard's attention and tell him we need to check it out before I loose the hounds. I put the frozen foods in the freezer and before I can get outside to stop him, Richard has pitched most of the apples over the fence. I had wanted to take photo's of all the apples on the ground, sigh. And how on earth did he make it to the other end of the garden yard without stepping in the Bear poop right in his path!??
Yes, we had another visit from that pesky little Black Bear Monster during the night. And he was very, very busy. After Richard disposed of a pile of poop, I let the dogs out into the yard. They went crazy, sniffing all around where he had been. The signs are clear. The little monster climbed up the tree - you can see evidence of his claw marks in the apple tree trunk in one of the photo's above. Then he calmly and patiently picked apples to toss to the ground for his snack. The dogs sniff around the lawn chair out by the tree, Pippi jumping up in it to get a better scent of him. On his way down out of the apple tree into the yard, he steps on and squashes one of my flower pots.
I flash on the bear...picking up an apple and then sitting down in the lawn chair, crossing his legs and munching away, tossing the apple core over his shoulder before grabbing another one. Oh yes, he tossed the apple cores, we found that evidence too. Nearly ever apple had at least one bite out of it. Some were half eaten, some all but the core. I make a scrunchy face.
I know how he works, having watched him eating pears. Toss to ground, climb down, lay down, enjoy at leisure. Oh, and then leave a big pile of poop, just so they know for sure I've been here. Cheeky bugger.
Back indoors it is time for more wood on the stove. Richard prepares to leave for work and I am feeling a bit peckish, but for something sweet. Looking around I decide to make a chocolate cake in the bread machine. Then I will make a cream cheese icing for it. Yum, can't wait. Soon it is baking in the machine and I am doing laundry. No, I DIDN'T look out the laundry room window, why do you ask?
My cake is done and cooling on the rack. Ummmmm, can't you just smell it's chocolatey goodness? Soon it will be slathered in a yummy cream cheese frosting. Can't you just taste it? Mouthwatering.
I hear the Bichons barking in the living room and go to look. It's the Cute Little Island Doe Mule Deer and her fawn, coming to eat the abundance of apples in the driveway. Soon the other deer will follow. Mason is on guard on the back of the sofa and I try to convince him that deer is good, bear is bad. I don't think he believes me. He sits facing down the drive, ever vigilant.
Time to make the dogs dinner. And mine. Then ice the cake and eat it.
What could be better than chocolate cake on a cold and gloomy day?
AAARRRRRGGGHHHH!! You are an EVIL MEAN WOMAN!!! What could be better????? How about giving your favorite sister and brother-in-law a piece of the *##!!@@ chocolate cake with cream cheese icing????
How awful that the Rosenblats lied about their story and that the publishers and movie makers and Oprah didn’t figure it out. So sad.
Some Holocaust love stories are true. The NY Times featured a story about the famous comic book artists Stan Lee and Neal Adams and a story they were publicizing.
The story is about Dina Gottliebova Babbitt who was a 19 year old art student at Auschwitz. There she was asked by the Jewish head of the children's camp to paint something to cheer them up. Dina painted a mural of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and in the end, Dina's art became the reason for her salvation.
Painting the mural for the children caused Dina to be taken in front of Dr. Mengele, the Angel of Death. She thought she was going to be gassed, but she bravely stood up to Mengele and he decided to make her his portrait painter, saving herself and her mother from the gas chamber.
After the war, Dina applied for a job to be an animator and the person interviewing her turned out to be the man who created Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs for the movie. They fell in love and got married. Show White saved Dina's life twice!
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