There's been no going outside to meander through the garden yard for a few days now. It's been cold and raining, scrunchy face. Don't get me wrong, we need the rain to fill the well up again, but, I had hoped to stretch fall out further, not go right to winter. We have already had two winter storms on the Island and they usually don't start until the middle of November. Siiiiggghh. No, I don't want some cheese with my whine, thanks.
These dreary damp days have even prompted me to ask Richard to start fires in the wood stove, to stave off the chill. The garden boat is soggy. When Kate was up we picked off all of the tomatoes with the exception of the Tumbling Toms and a few Brown Berries that weren't quite ready. One day during a lull in the rain, I coerced the dogs out into the yard and cut back my tomato plants. Yes, I know I should pull them completely, but I am not ready to go cold turkey yet on the garden cleanup. I really need to ease into it. Really.
I have a few plants I have to dug up, like my Lemon Scented Geranium which gave me so much pleasure this summer. Every time you walked by the scent of lemon wafted up to you. I think it deserves to be saved. A lot of the other herbs are hardy so I won't worry about them but I took cuttings of the Pineapple Sage to root, just in case it winter kills. It is such a magnificent plant, with a lovely true Pineapple scent.
Today I pulled the bean plants and tossed them over the fence for the deer. Then picked off the rest of the tiny tomatoes from Tumbling Tom. Got a surprising amount of them considering how nasty the weather has been. I know I have to pull the tomato plants and get rid of them, as well as the lone squash plant that sits in the middle of the boat, but, tomorrow will be soon enough for that. Like I said, ease into it.
It is sunny today, but cold, not going over +12. Five of the dogs came outside with me, but when I took the tomatoes in, the four girls ran back inside. Wimps! Mason and I stayed outdoors, me puttering around, him guarding me against bears, deer, bush bunnies and birds. My 10 pound Bichon Boy with the heart of a Pit Bull.
Richard and I moved a lot of my less hardy plants onto the deck a couple of days ago. They keep threatening us with frost and I need to get them moved into the house. That however will have to be eased into as Richard is not going to be happy when I explain that he has to move them for me. Some can stay under the shelter of the deck roof, I can cover them when frost threatens. But most will have to come indoors. At his suggestion, I picked my two lone Gladiola spikes that bloomed and put them in a jar on the cupboard. They are pretty, and when I dig up the corms I will be sure and mark the color on the bags.
Now I am thinking about next years garden, what to grow. I will definitely go with tomatoes: Yellow Mortgage Lifter, and if there is a red variety, one of those. Bull's Heart for sure, that is a wonderful, meaty, flavorful tomato. Definitely Brown Berry, Tumbling Tom and Black Prince. Oh and for sure Striped Cavern. Hope I can find some more Heritage varieties. We have to move the tomato garden to another container - the 300 gallon round stock tank is just the ticket and Richard will be moving it into the yard for me. I will cover it with heavy poly and then be able to plant them much earlier, keep them growing much later in the fall.
The old garden boat will still have it's herbs. Beans did well, so I probably will plant some more again, although if I can figure out a way to keep Mole People at bay, I would like to plant them over in my mini pea patch, smack up against the shed. Lots of shelter, good sunlight, wire to climb, yup, that's a great spot for them. So what to put in the garden boat.
Double Petunia's, they did great. Sweet Peas, the wire is already in place for them to climb. Marigolds from seed I have saved; will put them in the prow. I know that most flowers will grow in the boat, but would like to have some vegetable too. Hmmmmm. Onions did poorly, too wet. Squash would be ok, but they take up too much room. Hey, I bought some tiny pumpkins at the store the other day on clearance for a $1.00 a bag. I am going to save the seeds. Maybe a few of those, and get them to climb upwards. And peppers. The Jalapeno's that I planted did ok, not very productive until the end of the season but if I get them in earlier...yeah, pepper plants, that's what I'll do. Maybe a Habanero or two. Well, that's a good start.
It's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. I have a turkey in the freezer to cook, just not sure yet what day to do it. I love turkey and am looking forward to it. Have sweet potatoes to cook as well as Irish potatoes, need to make my Marshmallow Salad - my favorite - oh and Stuffing Bread to stuff the bird with and use for Turkey Sandwiches too. Darn, I am really getting hungry for Turkey. Oh, mustn't forget the fresh cranberry sauce either. Should I make Pumpkin Tiny Pies too? Maybe I will.
Ok, now I am REALLY hungry, time for dinner, then cover up the plants I didn't get moved yet with tarps. Supposed to be frosty again tonight.
Guess I'll go back inside after and whine some more.
Or maybe just make my stuffing bread.
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